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SOFTWARE DEFINED DATACENTER THE BASIS of the digital transformation 

The future requirements of digitisation present many companies with major challenges. For a successful digital transformation, many interrelated factors in companies must be changed or developed further. Professional partners are therefore an important factor for taking the step into the new age of a modern and flexible IT infrastructure. In cooperation with VMware, we make contemporary technology possible that can be flexibly adapted to your needs at any time. The industry-leading technologies from VMware, which are used in our geo-redundant data centres, form the basis for the digital transformation in your company.


  • Industry leading cloud technology
  • Perfect management of any application
  • Solutions from the virtualisation market leader
  • Highest certification as VMware Cloud Verified Partner
  • agile and flexible cloud infrastructure
  • Private Cloud Solution for SMEs
  • 100% compliance and security

Managed Private Cloud Virtualised with VMware 


With our business cloud solution we offer highly professional cloud computing for SMEs and enterprises. Our own Swiss cloud data centres provide the perfect basis for reliable operation and trustworthy data storage. Thanks to MTF's Unified Cloud System, local IT installations (on-premise) or public cloud services can be easily integrated into MTF's business cloud services.


Thanks to the VMware virtualisation solution used, MTF's business cloud offers a complete virtual data centre as a private cloud. You can outsource your complete IT environment with us or just use individual services. Your personal, virtual cloud data centre is highly secure, completely isolated from other customers and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Thanks to simple administration, a high degree of automation and our transparent consulting, we will accompany you unerringly on your way to digital transformation.

Do you have Questions ?

Stephan Keller
Chief Financial Officer