Modern server infrastructure at the pulse of time 

Scout 24 has been entrusting all hardware projects and, most recently, the implementation of the new server landscape MTF Thörishaus for over 10 years.


  • Everything from a single source
  • Service Level Agreements with guaranteed response and intervention times
  • Maintenance and Life Cycle Management
  • Single Point of Contact: Personal and competent advice
  • From first-level support to the outtasking of technical specialists
"IT support by MTF - flexible, competent and reliable! Thanks to the proximity to our location, spare parts can be procured very quickly - often within an hour. The cooperation is very pleasant, accommodating and transparent."
Markus Grossniklaus
Technology Manager ITO

Reliable IT services for the development of online platforms 


In order to make economic success possible, the basic prerequisites for marketplaces must be right. The smooth operation of the server infrastructure is essential. SMG depends on fast response times and uncomplicated exchange.


MTF offre tempi di reazione brevi, un elevato stock di pezzi di ricambio e manodopera affidabile da parte di specialisti esperti. I fallimenti vengono individuati in una fase iniziale mediante controlli a maglie strette, evitando in larga misura i danni economici. MTF garantisce che, anche in caso di emergenza, software e hardware siano di nuovo pienamente operativi nel più breve tempo possibile. Che si tratti di guasti, riparazioni in garanzia o manutenzione - l'intero servizio IT in modo affidabile da un unico fornitore!

SMG Swiss Marketplace Group AG 

What started in 1996 as a platform for the sale of cars has in recent years become an established network of several marketplaces. More than 250 employees at SMG Swiss Marketplace Group make their knowledge and skills available for success every day. As an operator of online marketplaces for vehicles, real estate and classified advertisements, SMG ensures the visibility of customers and sellers and brings them together efficiently. The company is one of the leading Internet companies in Switzerland and has established itself as the No. 1 in the industry.

Facts & figures 

0 %
0 /7
fast on-site service around the clock
contact for the entire IT

Further references 

Do you have Questions ?

Hanspeter Füglistaller
Project Manager