Specialized Eyewear
Roost Augenoptik AG
Modern Workplace as a complete IT solution from the MTF Private Cloud.
Containers like Docker are a key technology for the configuration and provision of modern applications. Concentrate on developing your application and let Kubernetes distribute, scale and manage Docker Containers in your isolated MTF Private Cloud.
With the Kubernetes Engine you create, manage and scale your applications in Docker Containers in the highly secure MTF Business Cloud efficiently and easily. The Kubernetes Engine takes care of your Docker Containers, so that you can take care of the application development and the provision of your services. The Kubernetes environment is operated completely isolated for you in a private cloud, which guarantees maximum security and availability.
Greatest possible security through modern data centers with a reliable, redundant infrastructure.
Kubernetes is operated individually and isolated per customer in a private cloud under the highest security standards.
Automatic restart of containers in case of errors or defective nodes as well as reloading of containers that do not pass the defined health check.
The persistent data of the Kubernetes environment is stored on georedundant high-performance synchronous memories for maximum availability.
Easy up or down scaling of applications with a single command or a simple UI.
Automated placement of containers based on their resource requirements enables a balanced workload.
With a simple UI or commands, new containers can be made available easily and directly as required.
We take over or support you in the operation and continuous development of your cloud-native environment.