Hosted Exchange for e-mail, appointments and contacts 

Hosted Exchange offre aux entreprises une solution sûre et efficace pour le courrier électronique, le calendrier et les contacts à partir du cloud. Les données sont stockées dans des centres de données hautement sécurisés et géo-redondants en Suisse. Profitez d'une collaboration indépendante du lieu, d'un standard de sécurité maximal et d'un support complet - sans avoir besoin de votre propre serveur.

What you can expect 

  • Low investment costs
  • No software installation necessary
  • Location-independent working
  • Personal, competent support on site
  • No administration effort
  • Integrated mail encryption and spam protection


Con la nostra soluzione Exchange in hosting nel cloud privato, non è necessario avere un proprio server Exchange in loco o utilizzare Microsoft Office 365 nel cloud pubblico. I vostri dati vengono invece archiviati in modo sicuro nei data center geo-ridondanti in Svizzera, che soddisfano i più elevati standard di sicurezza e sono conformi alla CH-DSG e al GDPR. Ciò significa che potete beneficiare della massima sicurezza dei dati e collaborare in modo efficiente in tempo reale. La soluzione può anche essere personalizzata in modo flessibile in base alle vostre esigenze, compresa l'integrazione con Active Directory.

Your e-mail and calendar are operated at our Swiss data centers to the highest security standards.

Technical information 

Geographically separate data centers

Greatest possible security through modern data centers with a reliable, redundant infrastructure.

Data at the data center

The data are stored separately to those of other customer systems at our high-security data centers.

Backup and restore

Daily backups prevent data loss. A recovery service ensures data can be restored in a short time in the event of accidental deletion.

Direct network connections

for customs with a local active directory.

A professional spam filter

No spam can penetrate our spam firewall, which is activated as part of the package.

Complete communication highly encrypted

Internet communication with the Exchange Server is highly encrypted. Permanente VPN connections are also available.

Outlook Web Access and Active Sync

Support for all types of telephone and computer. Access from any device without restrictions.

Remote wipe function

If you lose your phone or tablet, you can delete business-related data on the device using the remote wipe function.

Public folder support

Public folders for simplified group-work and fast communication or planning involving several people.

Complete Exchange support

All standard Exchange functions are supported: Outlook Web Access (OWA), RPC over HTTPS, personal address books and calendars, remote wipe and public folders, push services for all mobiles.

Facts & figures 

> 0 k
hosted exchange users
0 %
SPAM and virus detection
0 /7

Selection of references 

Do you have Questions ?

Florian Meier
Chief Executive Officer