Professional hosting of your Web site with personal assistance. Where required, you have direct access to our specialists. We are also specialized in complex and individual customer demands and can meet even the highest requirements.

What you can expect 

  • Professional and personalised support
  • Certified excellence according to recognised standards
  • Fixed, predictable monthly costs
  • ‘Swiss Hosting’ with 2 geo-redundant data centres
  • Intuitive hosting control panel

The service 

As part of our Web hosting, you receive individual and personal assistance from our hosting specialist. If you need more storage capacity, want to run a special application on the Web server or have any other questions, we are always there for you quickly, directly and with competent advice.

Our Web hosting has an extremely flexible structure and enables any conceivable type of Web hosting. Shared Web hosting is the cheapest way to benefit from our quality hosting. Your Web site runs on the same Web server as the Web sites of other customers. With dedicated Web hosting, you have your own Web server, which is managed by us, at our data center. With cloud hosting, the Web server is in your private cloud and managed by you yourself. Of course we can also set up all sorts of other individual services for you on our Web servers.

Our powerful spam firewall offers an extraordinarily high detection rate and is fully managed by MTF. That means you have no work whatsoever, save a lot of time, and problems with spam are a thing of the past.

Facts & figures 

> 0
web technologies supported
0 %
or higher service availability per SLA
data centres with geo-redundancy

Selection of references 

Do you have Questions ?

Fabian Müller
Geschäftsleiter Region Schaffhausen